What Makes Children’s House Different?

Find out why Children’s House Montessori School is Special.

Children’s House has many features that make it an attractive choice for parents who want their children to have a strong foundation for future learning:

Our teaching philosophy emphasizes independence and curiosity and a love of learning—children learn at their own pace under the guidance of qualified teachers and in an environment designed to stimulate their progress and build their confidence.

Our outdoor classroom is a rich natural environment for learning and play; children can run and climb and slide, they can find a quiet place for daydreaming and watching clouds, or they can tend their own herb and vegetable gardens.

We welcome children from many cultural and economic backgrounds, as well as children who benefit from inclusion support. We believe that children benefit from learning about experiences and perspectives beyond their own.

Our multi-age classrooms give children a community of peers; younger children and older children play and work together to the mutual benefit of both.

Our school enjoys a strong commitment from the parent body—parents and community members make up the Board of Directors, which is responsible for overseeing the operation of the school, and parents help in many ways throughout the year, whether through support for our fundraising efforts or through preparing and participating in classroom activities.

We also enjoy strong support from our alumni families—we have welcomed into our program the children of former students and we benefit from ongoing volunteer support from parents whose children have long since graduated.